Gas Powered Games boss: no official Dungeon Siege 3

Dungeon Siege - Image 1While quite a number of gamers are anxiously awaiting Gas Powered GamesSpace Siege, the futuristic take on the popular Dungeon Siege franchise, there are those who have been pining for a more traditional sequel – i.e. Dungeon Siege 3. There aren’t official plans for it yet, though the developers are considering it. To find out more, check out the full article.

Dungeon Siege - Image 1We’ve been hearing (and seeing) a lot about Gas Powered GamesSpace Siege, the futuristic take on the popular Dungeon Siege franchise. While the aforementioned game is looking promising, there is still a pretty big contingent of PC gamers who are hoping that the developers decide to take the franchise back to its roots and create Dungeon Siege 3. However, it doesn’t seem that this will be happening any time soon.

Gas Powered Games boss Chris Taylor pointed out that they don’t have any official plans to make Dungeon Siege 3 but they are playing around with the idea of doing so: “We have not made any official announcements, or have any official plans, but we are kicking ideas around, and that’s no secret.”

So there you have it folks, it seems like they don’t have any official plans for a new Dungeon Siege. Now that I think about it, this might be for the best. After all, I’d rather wait for a good game than pick up some generic, buggy title with a big name franchise slapped on it to make it sell copies.


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