Gates Hints at a Microsoft Gaming Handheld

bill gatesWe’ve been told that Microsoft is not developing an Xbox handheld. But you know how it is in the gaming world, rumors of a portable device that might compete with the iPod or the portable gaming machines just won’t die down. Naturally, it’s one hot topic that was discussed at the Wall Street Journal‘s D: All Things Digital Conference in Carlsbad, California by no less than Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates.

Though Gates didn’t make an announcement, he did say: We are looking at various ways to bring more to that space. There is a lot yet that hasn’t been done. This implies that Microsoft may just be preparing to challenge Apple’s iPod and Sony’s PSP with one multipurpose device. If all the features of iPod and PSP could be put in one portable package, then Apple and Sony should have a reason to worry. Or should they?

bill gatesWe’ve been told that Microsoft is not developing an Xbox handheld. But you know how it is in the gaming world, rumors of a portable device that might compete with the iPod or the portable gaming machines just won’t die down. Naturally, it’s one hot topic that was discussed at the Wall Street Journal‘s D: All Things Digital Conference in Carlsbad, California by no less than Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates.

Though Gates didn’t make an announcement, he did say: We are looking at various ways to bring more to that space. There is a lot yet that hasn’t been done. This implies that Microsoft may just be preparing to challenge Apple’s iPod and Sony’s PSP with one multipurpose device. If all the features of iPod and PSP could be put in one portable package, then Apple and Sony should have a reason to worry. Or should they?

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