GCDC 2007: PS3’s UT3 will benefit from Gears of War

Mark Rein explained during Leipzig Games Convention 2007 that because of Gears of War, the developers at Epic Games gained experience which turned out to be a great help in the development of Unreal Tournament III. Since both games use the Unreal Engine 3, developers had the advantage after making GOW.

Unreal Tournament III - Image 1 

Rein, VP of Epic, further says that UT3 will be also be able to utilize more of the Unreal Engine than GOW did, thanks largely to their experience with it:

We’re a little ahead on PlayStation 3 compared to where we were at this time on Xbox 360, and what I mean by that is our code and our level of completeness, and that’s because we have shipped a game with Unreal Engine 3 already. […] When you see UT, this pushes the engine a lot harder than Gears of War did. I know it sounds preposterous because of how great Gears of War is, but we’re pushing this up another notch. I’m very proud of that, and I think it’s good for us and it’s good for our licensees.

That’s not to say that 360 owners will be deprived of the same boost in development. The current problem UT3 is experiencing with the 360 has to do with the limitations of the console’s DVD format. No news yet whether Epic Games will be taking advantage of Microsoft’s decision to let some games require a hard drive to run on the 360.

Mark Rein explained during Leipzig Games Convention 2007 that because of Gears of War, the developers at Epic Games gained experience which turned out to be a great help in the development of Unreal Tournament III. Since both games use the Unreal Engine 3, developers had the advantage after making GOW.

Unreal Tournament III - Image 1 

Rein, VP of Epic, further says that UT3 will be also be able to utilize more of the Unreal Engine than GOW did, thanks largely to their experience with it:

We’re a little ahead on PlayStation 3 compared to where we were at this time on Xbox 360, and what I mean by that is our code and our level of completeness, and that’s because we have shipped a game with Unreal Engine 3 already. […] When you see UT, this pushes the engine a lot harder than Gears of War did. I know it sounds preposterous because of how great Gears of War is, but we’re pushing this up another notch. I’m very proud of that, and I think it’s good for us and it’s good for our licensees.

That’s not to say that 360 owners will be deprived of the same boost in development. The current problem UT3 is experiencing with the 360 has to do with the limitations of the console’s DVD format. No news yet whether Epic Games will be taking advantage of Microsoft’s decision to let some games require a hard drive to run on the 360.

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