Get your head in the game: Deca Sports screenshots
If you’re serious about getting physical with Hudson Entertainment‘s Deca Sports, then you guys should probably want to scope out the scene by checking out the latest screenshots of the game.
There’s a whopping 30 screens for all your viewing pleasure. Check them out after the jump!
Chances are when you’ve popped into this full article, you’ve noticed all the screenshots even before reading this. As for this update on Hudson Entertainment‘s Deca Sports, thirty screenshots have been released simply because they’re serious about the types of sports featured in the title.
This is exactly the forte of this game title: ten various sporting events have been put together for this adrenaline-pumping sporting game. The screens we have for you show off some of things that you can be expecting from it. Do expect to sweat out all that you’ve got since there’s a lot to be done.
We’ll cut the chitchat short since we want you guys to focus of the photos that we’ve provided above and below. After taking a deep breath, go dive into the sea of screenshots! Enjoy!