GO GO GO! Creative mode Beta 1

Cretive mode - Image 1

It was way back August of last year when altunozara released his Pacman-based homebrew project – GO! GO! GO!. Back then, the game’s objective was to collect as many “items” as you can by making your character go over them. It was kinda cool at first, but with no real AI and very limited gameplay, the game gets boring after a few tries. To battle that, altunozara did what every devoted dev would – tweaked on the game some more to boost its playability.

Now what we have here isn’t the actual update of the same game, rather it’s a different mode, or as the creator called it the “new mode of GO GO GO!!! called creative mode.” According to altuna, he made this one so that we could have something to play with while he’s working on the normal mode. How does one actually use it? Altunazara explains it best in saying:

In creative mode there is 1 player you controll it to make the screen a nice creative picture…so far square triangle circle and cross all make different colours! when your standing on something you dotn eat it but when you click a button you change its colour depending on what colour you chose!

There you have it, try being a Picasso with this one. It’s coded in Lua so you’ll need to have Lua Player installed before you could have it running on your PSP. Hey, it wouldn’t hurt to give this game a go. It’s no Callisto, but it sure beats playing around with stressballs.

Download: [GO GO GO!!! Creative mode Beta 1]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

Cretive mode - Image 1

It was way back August of last year when altunozara released his Pacman-based homebrew project – GO! GO! GO!. Back then, the game’s objective was to collect as many “items” as you can by making your character go over them. It was kinda cool at first, but with no real AI and very limited gameplay, the game gets boring after a few tries. To battle that, altunozara did what every devoted dev would – tweaked on the game some more to boost its playability.

Now what we have here isn’t the actual update of the same game, rather it’s a different mode, or as the creator called it the “new mode of GO GO GO!!! called creative mode.” According to altuna, he made this one so that we could have something to play with while he’s working on the normal mode. How does one actually use it? Altunazara explains it best in saying:

In creative mode there is 1 player you controll it to make the screen a nice creative picture…so far square triangle circle and cross all make different colours! when your standing on something you dotn eat it but when you click a button you change its colour depending on what colour you chose!

There you have it, try being a Picasso with this one. It’s coded in Lua so you’ll need to have Lua Player installed before you could have it running on your PSP. Hey, it wouldn’t hurt to give this game a go. It’s no Callisto, but it sure beats playing around with stressballs.

Download: [GO GO GO!!! Creative mode Beta 1]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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