Goal! Mario Strikers nears 400k mark in Wi-Fi connections

Mario Strikers Football packshot - Image 1What can we say – Europe loves their football (aka soccer). A recent survey taken of Nintendo‘s Wi-Fi Connection games (ending May 27) indicates that aside from titles like Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Animal Crossing, and Mario Kart DS, Mario Strikers Charged has taken Europe’s Wii consoles by storm:

  1. Pok̩mon Diamond Р1,460,474 connections
  2. Pok̩mon Pearl Р1,007,074 connections
  3. Mario Strikers Charged Football – 399,569 connections
  4. Animal Crossing: Wild World – 360,855 connections
  5. Mario Kart DS – 294,993 connections
  6. Metroid Prime Hunters – 201,480 connections
  7. Jump! Ultimate Stars – 128,872 connections
  8. Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker – 108,299 connections
  9. Tetris DS – 71,347 connections
  10. Pok̩mon Battle Revolution Р51,781 connections

What makes this chart all the more interesting is that Mario Strikers has only been out for three days since the survey’s readings and so far has only seen a Europe release. This means that these massive numbers are being generated possibly from one region, as compared to the top two (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) which have already been released in Japan and North America. Mario Strikers is expected to hit the USA this July 30 while Japan stands to receive it by December 31.

Via The Tanooki

Mario Strikers Football packshot - Image 1What can we say – Europe loves their football (aka soccer). A recent survey taken of Nintendo‘s Wi-Fi Connection games (ending May 27) indicates that aside from titles like Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Animal Crossing, and Mario Kart DS, Mario Strikers Charged has taken Europe’s Wii consoles by storm:

  1. Pok̩mon Diamond Р1,460,474 connections
  2. Pok̩mon Pearl Р1,007,074 connections
  3. Mario Strikers Charged Football – 399,569 connections
  4. Animal Crossing: Wild World – 360,855 connections
  5. Mario Kart DS – 294,993 connections
  6. Metroid Prime Hunters – 201,480 connections
  7. Jump! Ultimate Stars – 128,872 connections
  8. Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker – 108,299 connections
  9. Tetris DS – 71,347 connections
  10. Pok̩mon Battle Revolution Р51,781 connections

What makes this chart all the more interesting is that Mario Strikers has only been out for three days since the survey’s readings and so far has only seen a Europe release. This means that these massive numbers are being generated possibly from one region, as compared to the top two (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) which have already been released in Japan and North America. Mario Strikers is expected to hit the USA this July 30 while Japan stands to receive it by December 31.

Via The Tanooki

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