GTA Vice City Stories: things initiates need to know
GamePro has a list of fifteen things you need to know about GTA Vice City stories. While most of it you guys probably know already, a few things in that list really stand out. So just in case you’re a total initiate (a politically correct way to say newbie) to GTA, and your parents bought you a PSP, here are some things to keep in mind.
This is GTA
So look to steal bikes, helicopters (some people were wondering if you can get airborne in this game), boats, and planes, as well as ATVs, buggies, and even a Sea-Doo-type. The more vehicles the merrier right?
You can swim now but…
Unlike GTA Liberty City Stories, you can swim in this game. It could be quite useful when you’re getting away from the boys in blue. Just keep in mind though that if some persistent officer falls into the water he’ll swim after you too. Also, even if you can swim now, unlike GTA San Andreas, you can’t climb walls. Please keep that in mind okay? Just so you save yourself the embarrassment of jumping face first into a wall.
Vice City is still Vice City…
This isn’t helpful if you’re a newbie to the game, but if you happened to catch anyone else playing the first Vice City, the PSP version of Vice City is still the same. This means no new city for you to get used to (that is if you caught a bit of the first Vice City… after all if you’re a newbie, everything’s new to you). So enjoy the music, love the ambiance, enjoy the 80s decadence, and for Pete’s sake, use your pager.
You need night vision
Time passes in Vice City, so when the sun goes down, turn the PSP’s brightness settings way up. This is more of a hardware issue as the PSPs screens glare factor makes things a little difficult to see when it’s nighttime in-game. At times like this, make good use of the gun-aiming system.
And finally, since you’re a newbie
Be aware that this game gets really hard, really fast. Rockstar Games probably assumes that most people who will be getting this game are GTA veterans already, so the learning curve is a bit steep. Even the first few challenges get difficult really quickly. Move forward, carefully.
Now that this GTA newbie advisory is over, let me geek out a bit and whine: Just a few more days… can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait… Geek out moment over. Back to your regular blogging.
Pre-Order: [Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories]
Via GamePro
GamePro has a list of fifteen things you need to know about GTA Vice City stories. While most of it you guys probably know already, a few things in that list really stand out. So just in case you’re a total initiate (a politically correct way to say newbie) to GTA, and your parents bought you a PSP, here are some things to keep in mind.
This is GTA
So look to steal bikes, helicopters (some people were wondering if you can get airborne in this game), boats, and planes, as well as ATVs, buggies, and even a Sea-Doo-type. The more vehicles the merrier right?
You can swim now but…
Unlike GTA Liberty City Stories, you can swim in this game. It could be quite useful when you’re getting away from the boys in blue. Just keep in mind though that if some persistent officer falls into the water he’ll swim after you too. Also, even if you can swim now, unlike GTA San Andreas, you can’t climb walls. Please keep that in mind okay? Just so you save yourself the embarrassment of jumping face first into a wall.
Vice City is still Vice City…
This isn’t helpful if you’re a newbie to the game, but if you happened to catch anyone else playing the first Vice City, the PSP version of Vice City is still the same. This means no new city for you to get used to (that is if you caught a bit of the first Vice City… after all if you’re a newbie, everything’s new to you). So enjoy the music, love the ambiance, enjoy the 80s decadence, and for Pete’s sake, use your pager.
You need night vision
Time passes in Vice City, so when the sun goes down, turn the PSP’s brightness settings way up. This is more of a hardware issue as the PSPs screens glare factor makes things a little difficult to see when it’s nighttime in-game. At times like this, make good use of the gun-aiming system.
And finally, since you’re a newbie
Be aware that this game gets really hard, really fast. Rockstar Games probably assumes that most people who will be getting this game are GTA veterans already, so the learning curve is a bit steep. Even the first few challenges get difficult really quickly. Move forward, carefully.
Now that this GTA newbie advisory is over, let me geek out a bit and whine: Just a few more days… can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait… Geek out moment over. Back to your regular blogging.
Pre-Order: [Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories]
Via GamePro