Guild Wars and the Occipital Lobe

occipital lobe

The occipital lobe is the visual processing center of the brain. What does that piece of information have to do with this article about Guild Wars Factions Championship? Practically less to none, if you don’t view these full set of charts that show skill usage data for each game of the finals matches of the GWFC.

Each chart shows the team rosters with each player’s skills, and which skills were executed (Executes) and which failed to execute (Fizzles) due to interruption, cancellation, or recharge.

Some things you might find interesting are Stepn Vapor Rub using 13 skills in EW vs. Te Game 2, 아 브 used Tainted Flesh 55 times in WM vs. Te Game 2 and he’s not even a Necromancer and 26 Unique Elite skills were used, the most popular being Ether Prodigy used 27 times.

You can either view the individual pages through the read link that will take you to the Guild Wars official site or download the Excel spreadsheet via the download link at the bottom of the article. Either way it will be an exercise for your occipital lobe.

Download: [GWFC Skills Chart (Excel Spreadsheet)]

Via guildwars

occipital lobe

The occipital lobe is the visual processing center of the brain. What does that piece of information have to do with this article about Guild Wars Factions Championship? Practically less to none, if you don’t view these full set of charts that show skill usage data for each game of the finals matches of the GWFC.

Each chart shows the team rosters with each player’s skills, and which skills were executed (Executes) and which failed to execute (Fizzles) due to interruption, cancellation, or recharge.

Some things you might find interesting are Stepn Vapor Rub using 13 skills in EW vs. Te Game 2, 아 브 used Tainted Flesh 55 times in WM vs. Te Game 2 and he’s not even a Necromancer and 26 Unique Elite skills were used, the most popular being Ether Prodigy used 27 times.

You can either view the individual pages through the read link that will take you to the Guild Wars official site or download the Excel spreadsheet via the download link at the bottom of the article. Either way it will be an exercise for your occipital lobe.

Download: [GWFC Skills Chart (Excel Spreadsheet)]

Via guildwars

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