Guild Wars Factions environment preview


Gamespot has gotten some great info on the environments for the upcoming Guild Wars expansion, Factions. If the screenshots are any indication, this expansion is looking excellent. The article goes into the back story for several new areas of the expansion, giving you a background for the story. One of the most intersting points to this expansion is that you will not need the original Guild Wars game in order to play the expansion. Of course, if you do own both, you can transfer between the continents via boat. Check out the full article and screenshots at the link below.



Gamespot has gotten some great info on the environments for the upcoming Guild Wars expansion, Factions. If the screenshots are any indication, this expansion is looking excellent. The article goes into the back story for several new areas of the expansion, giving you a background for the story. One of the most intersting points to this expansion is that you will not need the original Guild Wars game in order to play the expansion. Of course, if you do own both, you can transfer between the continents via boat. Check out the full article and screenshots at the link below.


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