Guitar Hero III videos: Slow Ride and My Name is Jonas

Courtesy of some kinds souls on the net (aka IGN), we’ve managed to pick up two videos featuring an early preview of how RedOctane‘s Guitar Hero III game is coming together. These clips will feature the game’s new interface, and two upcoming tracks: Slow Ride and My Name is Jonas.

And while we won’t say anything about the playing skills demonstrated on the video (it is just a test), we imagine there’s more than one guitar-wielding fan out there who’ll take this opportunity to sit back, and check out what to expect come Guitar Hero III‘s launch for the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii. Enjoy the videos, and wait around in case more preview clips are made available for viewing. The first song up ahead is Slow Ride:

The video for My Name is Jonas is available in the Full Article!

Courtesy of some kinds souls on the net (aka IGN), we’ve managed to pick up two videos featuring an early preview of how RedOctane‘s Guitar Hero III is coming together. These clips will feature the game’s new interface and two upcoming tracks: Slow Ride and My Name is Jonas.

And while we won’t say anything about the playing skills demonstrated on the video (it is just a test), we imagine there’s more than one guitar-wielding fan out there who’ll take this opportunity to sit back, and check out what to expect come Guitar Hero III‘s launch for the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii. Enjoy the videos, and wait around in case more preview clips are made available for viewing. The first song up ahead is Slow Ride:

The next video is for My Name is Jonas:

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