Harker: A thousand ways to skin the undead

The business of driving back the ghouls of the underworld has always been a gritty one. Never thought it’d be one that Jonathan Harker would get into, though. Jonathan who? If you remember your Vampire Lit 101 lessons, he is the fiancee of Mina Murray, the woman who would be seduced by Count Dracula in the story… and this writer remembered him as a sissy. Then again, this is what he gets for watching Mel Brook’s Dracula rather than Bram Stoker’s original.

Anyway, 1UP had a bunch of screenshots and concept art, and a GameVideos video trailer for Harker, Foundation 9 and the Collective’s definitely-not-sissy undead-killing title for the Xbox 360 (where we first had the preview), the PS3, and the Wii. And as these visually demonstrate, there are a thousand ways to maim, skin, disable, torch, neutralize, eliminate, and otherwise kill ugly vampires.

And the moral of the story? Never, ever, try to hit on the guy’s girlfriend. Even if you are Nosferatu himself/itself. You’ll just die full of holes, or worse. (Video below is a YouTube upload of GameVideos’ trailer)

Harker is due to rise in 2008.

Screenshots and concept art after the stake – er, jump.

The business of driving back the ghouls of the underworld has always been a gritty one. Never thought it’d be one that Jonathan Harker would get into, though. Jonathan who? If you remember your Vampire Lit 101 lessons, he is the fiancee of Mina Murray, the woman who would be seduced by Count Dracula in the story… and this writer remembered him as a sissy. Then again, this is what he gets for watching Mel Brook’s Dracula rather than Bram Stoker’s original.

Anyway, 1UP had a bunch of screenshots and concept art, and a GameVideos video trailer for Harker, Foundation 9 and the Collective’s definitely-not-sissy undead-killing title for the Xbox 360 (where we first had the preview), the PS3, and the Wii. And as these visually demonstrate, there are a thousand ways to maim, skin, disable, torch, neutralize, eliminate, and otherwise kill ugly vampires.

And the moral of the story? Never, ever, try to hit on the guy’s girlfriend. Even if you are Nosferatu himself/itself. You’ll just die full of holes, or worse. (Video below is a YouTube upload of GameVideos’ trailer)

Harker is due to rise in 2008.

Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 1Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 2Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 3Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 4
Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 5Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 6Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 7Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 8
Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 9Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 10Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 11Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 12
Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 13Harker screams. Seriously. He screams. - Image 14

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