Harmonix: Guitar Hero music studio too restricting

Rock Band 2 - Image 1Dan Teasdale, the lead designer for Rock Band 2 (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2), was asked about the music studio feature included with Guitar Hero: World Tour (Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, and Wii). He declared it to be too restrictive and elaborated on Harmonix‘s plans for user created and published music.

Guitar Hero World Tour music studio - Image 1 

During a recent press event, Dan Teasdale, the lead designer for Rock Band 2 (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2), was asked about the music studio feature included with Guitar Hero: World Tour (Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, and Wii):

We’ve dabbled around with stuff like that before, with Frequency and Amplitude, and we learned a lot of lessons from it, the main one is that you can’t do it half-arsed. If you want to do a way to let players create and distribute music, you have to go all-in – not just do it as a bullet on the back of a box.

He declared that his plans for the Rock Band franchise aims at making music sharing “an authentic experience.” While he wants people to be able to freely create music and express themselves, he also wanted to be sure that the same people know what they’re doing and not be tied to some “dodgy sample.”

That sounds like a challenge, Mister Teasdale.

Now, normally I’d have a thing or two to say about being so critical about a feature that you’ve yet to put in your game but with “Cerulean City” from Pokemon once enjoying the top spot in Guitar Hero: World Tour’s top 50 custom songs list… I think I’ll keep my peace for now.

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