Hearing Mario voices: Charles Martinet talks Super Mario Galaxy

Charles Martinet - Image 1The man behind (the voice of) Mario had a recent interview with The Sun UK and talked about what it was like working with and actually getting to play Super Mario Galaxy.

Here’s what he had to say:

Mario Galaxy is going to be the most exciting, amazing fun ever. I played a little preview of it and I had goosebumps of joy and was giddy with laughter. The new Wii controller has so much versatility and makes possible all these things you could never imagine doing before.

It is like magic. This game takes it to a completely different level for Mario. IÂ’m not allowed to reveal yet what I say in Galaxy but I can tell you there will be some surprises.

True enough, a lot of us have been expecting great things from the game. The Wii remote in itself will really pose an interesting gameplay experience. Indeed, it’s one of the most anticipated titles on the Wii, including Metroid Prime 3.

Too bad for us though, he didn’t reveal an exact release date for the game. But safe to say, this guy’s got nothing but raves for the game. Wow, big surprise there. He is the game anyways. Well, the voice behind the game, at least. Mama mia!

Charles Martinet - Image 1The man behind (the voice of) Mario had a recent interview with The Sun UK and talked about what it was like working with and actually getting to play Super Mario Galaxy.

Here’s what he had to say:

Mario Galaxy is going to be the most exciting, amazing fun ever. I played a little preview of it and I had goosebumps of joy and was giddy with laughter. The new Wii controller has so much versatility and makes possible all these things you could never imagine doing before.

It is like magic. This game takes it to a completely different level for Mario. IÂ’m not allowed to reveal yet what I say in Galaxy but I can tell you there will be some surprises.

True enough, a lot of us have been expecting great things from the game. The Wii remote in itself will really pose an interesting gameplay experience. Indeed, it’s one of the most anticipated titles on the Wii, including Metroid Prime 3.

Too bad for us though, he didn’t reveal an exact release date for the game. But safe to say, this guy’s got nothing but raves for the game. Wow, big surprise there. He is the game anyways. Well, the voice behind the game, at least. Mama mia!

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