Heavenly Sword to play for 12-15 hours

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If you haven’t been visiting the official Heavenly Sword forums, there’s a small but interesting revelation made be developers Ninja Theory regarding the Sony PlayStation 3 exclusive action title.

It was made known that Heavenly Sword will pack in some 12 to 15 hours of gameplay. Of course, they also promised plenty of replay value that would keep you running through the game several times. If we’ve known games like we do, special unlockable costumes and weapons might just be in store.

Heavenly Sword was recently demoed off in the PlayStation Network, much to the thrill of the PS3 fans. The demo was brief but had a lot of action to keep us all asking for more. The revealed length of the game is about the same amount of time as it would take some people to play through Resident Evil 4 for the PS2 without a guide, so that should mean that Heavenly Sword‘s longevity will be at an optimum frame. What do you think?

Via Ninja Theory Forums

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If you haven’t been visiting the official Heavenly Sword forums, there’s a small but interesting revelation made be developers Ninja Theory regarding the Sony PlayStation 3 exclusive action title.

It was made known that Heavenly Sword will pack in some 12 to 15 hours of gameplay. Of course, they also promised plenty of replay value that would keep you running through the game several times. If we’ve known games like we do, special unlockable costumes and weapons might just be in store.

Heavenly Sword was recently demoed off in the PlayStation Network, much to the thrill of the PS3 fans. The demo was brief but had a lot of action to keep us all asking for more. The revealed length of the game is about the same amount of time as it would take some people to play through Resident Evil 4 for the PS2 without a guide, so that should mean that Heavenly Sword‘s longevity will be at an optimum frame. What do you think?

Via Ninja Theory Forums

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