Heavy Rain: PS3 Exclusive?

Heavy Rain

If anything else stole the show during E3, it’s Heavy Rain: The Casting. The video features a woman auditioning for a part in a video game called Heavy Rain. During the course of the audition we see how a seemingly calm, rational woman morphed into a psycho chic ready to pull the trigger because she was cheated on by her lover.

Even after E3, Heavy Rain – from makers of Omikron: The Nomad Soul and Indigo Prophecy, Quantic Dream – is still making a lot of buzz among gamers anticipating its release. If you remember, the developers in an interview once said that they are developing a game for three different platforms, but not yet saying that it is Heavy Rain. But after this interview, I think we can safely say that it is.

And recently Eric wrote to us here in QJ, when he came across a very interesting post in Game Spot Forums, with this scan:

Heavy Rain Scan

Nothing official yet, but like Eric, maybe most of you now are forming conclusions that it could be a PS3 exclusive. I guess we all just have to wait for official news from Quantic Dreams now won’t we?

Via gamespot

Heavy Rain

If anything else stole the show during E3, it’s Heavy Rain: The Casting. The video features a woman auditioning for a part in a video game called Heavy Rain. During the course of the audition we see how a seemingly calm, rational woman morphed into a psycho chic ready to pull the trigger because she was cheated on by her lover.

Even after E3, Heavy Rain – from makers of Omikron: The Nomad Soul and Indigo Prophecy, Quantic Dream – is still making a lot of buzz among gamers anticipating its release. If you remember, the developers in an interview once said that they are developing a game for three different platforms, but not yet saying that it is Heavy Rain. But after this interview, I think we can safely say that it is.

And recently Eric wrote to us here in QJ, when he came across a very interesting post in Game Spot Forums, with this scan:

Heavy Rain Scan

Nothing official yet, but like Eric, maybe most of you now are forming conclusions that it could be a PS3 exclusive. I guess we all just have to wait for official news from Quantic Dreams now won’t we?

Via gamespot

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