HideMov BETA

PSP: secret video repository - Image 1For those who like to keep their top secret video files with them at all times, well, you can now carry them around in your PSP without worrying about your content being viewed by unauthorized eyes. And no, we’re not referring to the downloaded porn videos that you don’t want your little brother to see. It could be that music video that you’ve been prepping up for its international debut on YouTube, or it can be a video which shows your super top secret homebrew app that would put veteran coders to shame. Now, if you don’t want anyone stealing your ideas, then take pj1115‘s advice and start using this little app called HideMov Beta.

As the name implies, it’s an app that means to keep your video clips safe from prying eyes. This means that even if you passed your PSP around the whole office (because everyone just wants to have a go at Loco Roco…), they wouldn’t be able to snoop on your vids… unless, of course, they know the key combination that you set which unlocks your whole stash.

According to the app’s maker, HideMov is meant to work with Dark_AleX’s OE firmwares. When launched with the XMB, it basically stops the PSP’s video menu from detecting any files until the correct combination of keys is pressed. Until then, it will simply keep displaying the message “There are no videos”. On top of that, you can even re-disable the videos with a second button combination.

Weighing in at a featherweight 3.58KB, you might want to give this app a try.

Now, just remember folks: as with any piece of homebrew, ALWAYS READ THE README FILE BEFORE YOU TRY ANYTHING. Once you’ve gone through pj1115‘s notes, then go ahead and have fun.

Download: [HideMov BETA]

PSP: secret video repository - Image 1For those who like to keep their top secret video files with them at all times, well, you can now carry them around in your PSP without worrying about your content being viewed by unauthorized eyes. And no, we’re not referring to the downloaded porn videos that you don’t want your little brother to see. It could be that music video that you’ve been prepping up for its international debut on YouTube, or it can be a video which shows your super top secret homebrew app that would put veteran coders to shame. Now, if you don’t want anyone stealing your ideas, then take pj1115‘s advice and start using this little app called HideMov Beta.

As the name implies, it’s an app that means to keep your video clips safe from prying eyes. This means that even if you passed your PSP around the whole office (because everyone just wants to have a go at Loco Roco…), they wouldn’t be able to snoop on your vids… unless, of course, they know the key combination that you set which unlocks your whole stash.

According to the app’s maker, HideMov is meant to work with Dark_AleX’s OE firmwares. When launched with the XMB, it basically stops the PSP’s video menu from detecting any files until the correct combination of keys is pressed. Until then, it will simply keep displaying the message “There are no videos”. On top of that, you can even re-disable the videos with a second button combination.

Weighing in at a featherweight 3.58KB, you might want to give this app a try.

Now, just remember folks: as with any piece of homebrew, ALWAYS READ THE README FILE BEFORE YOU TRY ANYTHING. Once you’ve gone through pj1115‘s notes, then go ahead and have fun.

Download: [HideMov BETA]

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