Homebrew – The Legend of Zelda: The Six Sages v0.45b
If you can’t get enough of the legendary Legend of Zelda, then you might as well check out this DS homebrew game from JuDelCo. The Legend of Zelda: The Six Sages v0.45b is out and about for your gaming pleasure, so do check out what’s in store for you at the full article.
Download: The Legend of Zelda: The Six Sages v0.45b
JuDelCo from Elotrolado has dropped his DS homebrew game, The Legend of Zelda: The Six Sages. Although the title remains to be a working one, what is certain is that he is continuing the development of his said brew.
For Engine N°1 – v4.05b, he says that he’s put in a much better interface, had several bugs corrected, and has added “PUMPS!”. He seemed pretty gung-ho about the PUMPS!, so that must be something big.
He also says that Engine N°2 is coming soon, and we most probably could expect tweaks in the music and sfx. Do check it out yourself and see if it piques your interest. If it does, then be sure to come back for more updates on The Legend of Zelda: The Six Sages v0.45b.
Download: The Legend of Zelda: The Six Sages v0.45b
Via Elotrolado