Insider says Blue Castle making Dead Rising 2
There have been rumors floating around since last year about a sequel to the glorious zombie kill fest that was Dead Rising but nothing truly solid…. until today. Eurogamer was able to dig up some dirt on the matter thanks to a source close to Canadian developer, Blue Castle. The dead * will* be rising again.
Break out the chainsaws! The dead are rising! …again!
There have been rumors floating around since last year about a sequel to the zombie kill fest that was Dead Rising. Of course, no one could confirm or deny the return of Frank West (or whomever it may be next to take a lawn mover to a horde of undead), much to the disappointment of fans of the series who only really have the Wii remake, Chop Till You Drop, to look forward to in the near future.
Today however, Eurogamer reported that a source close to Canadian developer, Blue Castle Games, told them that the studio is indeed working on Dead Rising 2. “Everyone’s really excited,” he told Eurogamer. “The team has obviously seen the rumours and it’s been hard to keep quiet, but they can’t wait to show off the game.”
Blue Castle is a multi-platform 3rd party developer with two baseball titles under its belt so far. What does that say about their ability to take on zombie hordes? Can’t really say. At least we know that they’ll probably do well capturing the glory of a baseball bat taken to a zombie’s head.
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