iPod Touch, iPhone game – Knights Onrush

Knights Onrush - Image 1Late last April, we showed you the preview for the upcoming Knights Onrush, a funny new twist by MoreGames Entertainment into the Tower Defense concept. Now that Chillingo has submitted the app to Apple for App Store approval, they’ve got a new vid to show more knights rushing – or at least the knights do a good job trying.

Late last April, we showed you the preview for the upcoming Knights Onrush, a funny new twist by MoreGames Entertainment into the Tower Defense concept. Now that Chillingo has submitted the app to Apple for App Store approval, they’ve got a new vid to show more knights rushing – or at least the knights do a good job trying.

Set to be priced at US$ 1.99, Knights Onrush seems to be a good purchase for the amount. It’s got good graphics and enough gameplay options to keep you happy for a while, and it’s certainly worth the extra dollar that you spend over the 99-cent StickWars.

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