Is WoW balanced? Not for Draenei facemelters…
We’ve recently heard of people dissing World of Warcraft‘s Draenei shamans, which was fortunately limited to player-to-player incidents. However, this new twist seems to add evidence that even Blizzard has its own issues with this new race, as one Draenei shadow priest (a.k.a. facemelters) user found. ‘
Hiigara over at the WoW forums had just recently turned level 40, and was hoping to make the most of the Draenei’s racial ability, The Gift of the Naaru (TGotN). Unfortunately for her, Blizzard’s ruling on TGotN merited that it was unusable in conjunction with the essential shadowform skill, which elicited her writing them a letter of complaint.
Could this be signs of a clash of The Burning Crusade‘s gaming rules? While shadowform disallows the use of holy-type skills, it was also explicitly stated that TGotN is a racial ability, hence it doesn’t carry the same attributes as standard heal spells. We’d like to hear your take on this matter, given this is one of the more interesting game balance incidents we’ve picked up for WoW‘s new races.
For Blizzard’s official reply to Hiigaara’s letter, click on “Full Article”!
We’ve recently heard of people dissing World of Warcraft‘s Draenei shamans, which was fortunately limited to player-to-player incidents. However, this new twist seems to add evidence that even Blizzard has its own issues with this new race, as one Draenei shadow priest (a.k.a. facemelters) user found. ‘
Hiigara over at the WoW forums had just recently turned level 40, and was hoping to make the most of the Draenei’s racial ability, The Gift of the Naaru (TGotN). Unfortunately for her, Blizzard’s ruling on TGotN merited that it was unusable in conjunction with the essential shadowform skill, which elicited her writing them a letter of complaint.
Could this be signs of a clash of The Burning Crusade‘s gaming rules? While shadowform disallows the use of holy-type skills, it was also explicitly stated that TGotN is a racial ability, hence it doesn’t carry the same attributes as standard heal spells. We’d like to hear your take on this matter, given this is one of the more interesting game balance incidents we’ve picked up for WoW‘s new races.
Now, if you guys are interested in seeing what Blizzard’s official reply to Hiigaara’s letter, look below:
Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.
Issue Reported: Issue: Gift of the Naaru
Gift of the Naaru (A *Racial* skill, not labeled as “holy” anywhere) does not function in shadowform.
Gift of the Naaru is under the general tab of the spellbook, and is considered a racial skill. Stoneform, Berserking, Will of the Forsaken are all also racial skills and may be used in shadowform!
The issue reported above is not considered to be “broken” and should be
Functioning normally. If you feel that the functionality should be different,
then please visit the Suggestion Forum (
and post a suggestion. These forums are regularly monitored by the World of
Warcraft development team.
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