Iwata: Wii successor might have 3D tech

wii-thumbNintendo is keeping 3D tech adoption confined to the portable side of things. The Wii won’t get 3D support, but as Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently revealed, the next Nintendo home console might.






Nintendo is keeping 3D tech adoption confined to the portable side of things. The Wii won’t get 3D support, but as Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently revealed, the next Nintendo home console might.


Iwata told the Nihon Keizai Shimbun yesterday that while technical limitations keep the Wii free of 3D tech, they’re actively monitoring 3DTV adoption rates to figure out when exactly they should enter that particular gaming market.


“If you display a 3D image, the image quality becomes extremely bad, so we’d probably do it with the next system, he said. “We’re thinking that the timing should be once the 3D television adoption rates crosses the 30% mark. We’re looking at the adoption trends.”




Via [Andriasang]

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