Josh Holmes: Propaganda to remove Turok’s team kill achievement

Josh Holmes: Propaganda to remove Turok's team kill achievement - Image 1An achievement that awards you for fragging  teammates during a multiplayer bout? While the thought doesn’t sit well with many a gamer, Propaganda Games did have plans to implement such a Grab Bag feature for their Turok title for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. And from the looks of it, they’re already thinking of removing it. More details up ahead in the full article.

Josh Holmes: Propaganda to remove Turok's team kill achievement - Image 1 

An achievement that gives you points for fragging your teammates during a multiplayer bout? While the thought doesn’t sit well with many a gamer, Propaganda Games did have plans to implement such a Grab Bag feature for their Turok title for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

But like many of the title’s pre-historic dinosaurs, this achievement may be set to go extinct when the game launches. Propaganda Games VP Josh Holmes explained during an interview that they were preparing measures in case Turok‘s players ended up griefing their fellow gamers just to get the grab bag’s extra points. As Holmes states:

We’ve read some of the concerns that were described online, and maybe we underestimated the length to which so-called ‘achievement whores’ will go to [in order to] get their achievements. We are currently looking at readying a patch or solution for it if it does become an issue when the game releases.

The Grab Bag achievement in question requires players to kill at least one creature, one enemy, one teammate, and yourself in the same round of a public match. Holmes explained that it was meant as a joke, given that first-time players almost always ended up fragging themselves, a teammate, and a creature, although not necessarily in that order.

Holmes further discussed the ups and downs of multiplayer achievement, at least based on what he’s been picking up at the dev’s forums. As Holmes explained, most of the players he knew often set up private matches just for the sake of accumulating achievement points. This prevented the said players from disrupting public matches, where the emphasis was more on team play rather than achievements. As Holmes concluded:

On one hand, it’s something that encourages more people to actually play multiplayer, and therefore it introduces more people to the multiplayer experience and increases the community playing online. On the other hand, while they’re ‘achievement whore-ing’, maybe it’s screwing up the way that they play, and that’s not a good thing.

Turok is currently scheduled for a February 2008 release for the PS3 and 360, with a PC release set for this spring.


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