Jumpgate Evolution: Meet NetDevil at Codemaster’s Connect event

Jumpgate Evolution update: Meet NetDevil at Connect - Image 1If you want to kick start your gaming experience for NetDevil‘s upcoming MMORPG Jumpgate Evolution, then simply head on over to Codemasters‘ Connect event which is going to happen soon.

Here, you will get the chance to talk to developers behind the game. Details of this event in the full article.

Jumpgate Evolution update: meet NetDevil at Connect - Image 1Want to get more from NetDevil‘s Jumpgate Evolution?

Well, you might not have the chance yet to grab your hands on a copy of the MMORPG, but you can definitely meet the devs in Codemasters‘ upcoming event, Connect.

The guys from NetDevil will be dropping by in the two-day community event to answer questions of curious fans of the game.

Along with their presence, they will be providing the chance for attendees to play a pre-alpha version of Jumpgate Evolution and goody packs containing exclusive items, one of which will be a BETA key for the game.

This is one event that fans of this upcoming MMORPG wouldn’t want to miss. For sure, we’ll be providing you with more news and updates on this much anticipated game.

Via Jumpgate Evolution

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