Killzone 2 1.21 patch going live on Tuesday

Killzone 2 - Image has sent out a quick correction regarding the release of Killzone 2‘s patch 1.21. Don’t worry guys, it’s not a delay. In fact, the release has been moved up. Details after the jump.

Killzone 2 - Image 1 has sent out a quick correction regarding the release of Killzone 2‘s patch 1.21. Don’t worry guys, it’s not a delay. In fact, the release has been moved up. Here’s what they posted on Twitter:

CORRECTION: The release date for the patch is Tuesday 31st of March, at 8:00 AM GMT (NOT 9:00 AM GMT as stated previously)

Despite the seemingly small version bump compared to the recently-released patch 1.20, patch 1.21 actually contains quite a lot of changes and fixes. You can check out the complete changelog here.

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