Know thy destiny: Homestar 21st Century Star Navigator released (in Japan)

Here's Homestar... Where's E.T.?No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you did…we’re still under the same skies. Stars, nebulae, galaxies, eclipses, and auroras… These are all above our heads, and don’t you just sometimes wished you knew more about them?

Homestar 21st Century Star Navigator is now available in Lik-Sang for US$ 34.90. Yes, it’s still the Japanese version, but come. friccin’. on. people! These are stars we’re looking at. Who needs any translation for that? Images speak a thousand words.

Yes, you might not understand the voice-overs, and all the text in the menu, therefore defeating the whole purpose of calling it a “galactic tour”… But still. Some of you might be hardcore about the heavens above so much so that you can’t wait for the U.S. version (no clue yet if and when it’s going to be released).

If you’re willing to purchase the game, this is as good as it gets.

Oh!, and yeah. If you recognized the reference (read the first line again) to a Backstreet Boys song, snaps for you!

Here's Homestar... Where's E.T.?No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you did…we’re still under the same skies. Stars, nebulae, galaxies, eclipses, and auroras… These are all above our heads, and don’t you just sometimes wished you knew more about them?

Homestar 21st Century Star Navigator is now available in Lik-Sang for US$ 34.90. Yes, it’s still the Japanese version, but come. friccin’. on. people! These are stars we’re looking at. Who needs any translation for that? Images speak a thousand words.

Yes, you might not understand the voice-overs, and all the text in the menu, therefore defeating the whole purpose of calling it a “galactic tour”… But still. Some of you might be hardcore about the heavens above so much so that you can’t wait for the U.S. version (no clue yet if and when it’s going to be released).

If you’re willing to purchase the game, this is as good as it gets.

Oh!, and yeah. If you recognized the reference (read the first line again) to a Backstreet Boys song, snaps for you!

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