Leaked screenshot of Super Smash Brothers Brawl roster: real or fake?
Now here’s some food for thought: if a screenshot is posted in the middle of the night with nobody to see it, does it mean it’s real? A screenshot taken from levyjl1988’s Photobucket account reveals a supposed leaked roster for the upcoming Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
A lot of speculations have ensued from the said image. For one thing, the fact that there seems to be up to 50 playable characters makes you think that there’s something fishy about this picture already (although it would be great if it was true).
Also, while taking a closer look at the characters in the image, you may be able to spot some small discrepancies that anyone skilled at image manipulation may be able to pull off. The design of the roster screen itself seems rather dubious as well.
People may also remember that there already have been previous rumors already involving the game. Rumors such as this character or that (Sonic the Hedgehog, hello?) included in the still unrevealed complete roster to fake advertisements posted for the game.
Regardless whether or not this screenshot is true, Super Smash Brothers Brawl is already getting a lot of hype with regular updates from their site, as well as its many fans anticipating its release this December. It’s really up to you whether or not you want to believe the screenshot for what it is or just take it with a grain of salt.
Now here’s some food for thought: if a screenshot is posted in the middle of the night with nobody to see it, does it mean it’s real? A screenshot taken from levyjl1988’s Photobucket account reveals a supposed leaked roster for the upcoming Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
A lot of speculations have ensued from the said image. For one thing, the fact that there seems to be up to 50 playable characters makes you think that there’s something fishy about this picture already (although it would be great if it was true).
Also, while taking a closer look at the characters in the image, you may be able to spot some small discrepancies that anyone skilled at image manipulation may be able to pull off. The design of the roster screen itself seems rather dubious as well.
People may also remember that there already have been previous rumors already involving the game. Rumors such as this character or that (Sonic the Hedgehog, hello?) included in the still unrevealed complete roster to fake advertisements posted for the game.
Regardless whether or not this screenshot is true, Super Smash Brothers Brawl is already getting a lot of hype with regular updates from their site, as well as its many fans anticipating its release this December. It’s really up to you whether or not you want to believe the screenshot for what it is or just take it with a grain of salt.