Legend of the Dragon boxart

Legend of the Dragon boxart

This here is the Wii box art for the up and coming multi-platform offering from The Game Factory, Legend of the Dragon. Scheduled to come out simultaneously for the PS2, Wii, and the PSP by March 3 this year, this Fantasy-Action-Adventure title is sure to keep you locked to its story.

With twins falling on opposite sides of good and evil, and magic bracelets enabling them to morph into half-man, half-beasts, as well as 19 characters to choose from, there’s definitely a lot of action for you to get involved in. Stay tuned here for more updates on this game.

Via Aussie Nintendo

Legend of the Dragon boxart

This here is the Wii box art for the up and coming multi-platform offering from The Game Factory, Legend of the Dragon. Scheduled to come out simultaneously for the PS2, Wii, and the PSP by March 3 this year, this Fantasy-Action-Adventure title is sure to keep you locked to its story.

With twins falling on opposite sides of good and evil, and magic bracelets enabling them to morph into half-man, half-beasts, as well as 19 characters to choose from, there’s definitely a lot of action for you to get involved in. Stay tuned here for more updates on this game.

Via Aussie Nintendo

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