Leipzig: Konami unleashes Lords of Shadow, brings out trailer and website

Lords of Shadow arrives for the PS3 and Xbox 360 - Image 1Near the end of their press conference at Leipzig, Konami unveiled a new game that promises tons of 3D action for everyone.

The game, called Lords of Shadow, is the long-awaited collaboration between Konami and Mercury Steam, and is billed as a dark fairy tale starring a mysterious man in red named Gabriel. Learn more about the game and find a video after the jump!

Near the end of their press conference at Leipzig, Konami unveiled a new game that promises tons of 3D action for everyone. The game, called Lords of Shadow, is the long-awaited collaboration between Konami and Mercury Steam, and is billed as a dark fairy tale starring a mysterious man in red named Gabriel.

The press release they sent out tells us a bit about what Gabriel’s probably going through:

Set in Southern Europe during the middle ages, Lords of Shadow has beautifully-realised locales that play host to an epic battle between good and evil. This is a story of one manÂ’s journey to discover the true meaning of sacrifice amidst murder and betrayal.

Sacrifice amidst murder and betrayal? Sounds like fun!

The game also introduces a combat system called the Combat Cross. Apparently, it’s a multi-purpose weapon that can change into different configurations depending on how you want to fight. Hopefully, we’ll learn more about that in the coming weeks.

In any event, the first trailer is now up on the internet for people to enjoy, and you can view it below. Furthermore, the game’s official site is now up, allowing you to check out a countdown timer and sign up for updates. Enjoy!

Via Lords of Shadow website

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