Line Rider-inspired QQ Manto v0.5

Line Rider-inspired QQ Manto v0.5 - Image 1 Line Rider-inspired QQ Manto v0.5 - Image 2 

The Flash game Line Rider that became a full-blown Internet phenomenon has inspired a lot of iterations in the past and it has even made its presence felt at this year’s Neo Spring Coding Contest. Homebrew developer nataku92 created a PlayStation Portable game heavily inspired by Line Rider known as QQ Manto v0.5.

The coder noted that although QQ Manto is a game, there’s no way for a player to win or lose. The objective is to make interesting and fun patterns of lines for the blob to ride through. We really had enjoying making patterns and while watching the blob slide down a slope, we can’t help but be reminded of Loco Roco.

Anyway, nataku92 included a Readme.txt file in the download package below. It contains key maps for pattern creation as well as the game itself so don’t skip that one before installing this on your PlayStation Portable units.

Now all we need are buttons for tilting functions and this ‘brew could be a phenom.

Download: QQ Manto v0.5

Via Neo Flash

Line Rider-inspired QQ Manto v0.5 - Image 1 Line Rider-inspired QQ Manto v0.5 - Image 2 

The Flash game Line Rider that became a full-blown Internet phenomenon has inspired a lot of iterations in the past and it has even made its presence felt at this year’s Neo Spring Coding Contest. Homebrew developer nataku92 created a PlayStation Portable game heavily inspired by Line Rider known as QQ Manto v0.5.

The coder noted that although QQ Manto is a game, there’s no way for a player to win or lose. The objective is to make interesting and fun patterns of lines for the blob to ride through. We really had enjoying making patterns and while watching the blob slide down a slope, we can’t help but be reminded of Loco Roco.

Anyway, nataku92 included a Readme.txt file in the download package below. It contains key maps for pattern creation as well as the game itself so don’t skip that one before installing this on your PlayStation Portable units.

Now all we need are buttons for tilting functions and this ‘brew could be a phenom.

Download: QQ Manto v0.5

Via Neo Flash

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