Link Named Hottest Video Game Character
The Legend of Zelda series is no stranger to awards. However, this particular award is something Link likely hasn’t seen before. Out, a magazine that focuses on gay and lesbian culture, is calling Link the hottest video game character in its “What’s Hot Now” column. What’s his score? Another number that the Zelda series is all too familiar with, a perfect 10!
“When darkness enshrouds the land, Nintendo’s sexy farm-boy-turned-wolf sets out to save the day in this upcoming game. His weapons: a sword, a bow, arrows, and kick-ass grooming skills,” says Out.
It must be an omen that Link will sweep every awards show once The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess hits this Fall!
Via Kotaku
The Legend of Zelda series is no stranger to awards. However, this particular award is something Link likely hasn’t seen before. Out, a magazine that focuses on gay and lesbian culture, is calling Link the hottest video game character in its “What’s Hot Now” column. What’s his score? Another number that the Zelda series is all too familiar with, a perfect 10!
“When darkness enshrouds the land, Nintendo’s sexy farm-boy-turned-wolf sets out to save the day in this upcoming game. His weapons: a sword, a bow, arrows, and kick-ass grooming skills,” says Out.
It must be an omen that Link will sweep every awards show once The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess hits this Fall!
Via Kotaku