LOTR: The Battle for Middle-Earth II new faction and units
Fans of Electronic Arts‘ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II have been are bracing themselves for the release of the expansion pack The Rise of the Witch-King. The anticipation stems from the introduction of the Angmar faction, which is considered the evil counterpart of the Dwarven faction. There’s always an added excitement when evil becomes an option in the game. But the fans are not too keen on switching factions, as game producer Amir Ramihi found out while scouring the LOTR forums. In fact, fans tend to stick to one faction.
With that important info in mind, the development team decided to give what the fans want – new units, new strategies, new abilities, and new toys to play with.
While the Angmar faction would be the highlight of the expansion, existing factions will also be getting some love in the form of new units. This is where the mini-hero horde comes into the picture. Think of it is a combination of hero and elite units. The hordes have special abilities that enhance certain factions’ strategies. They also heal when not in combat, which makes them fit for the next round of battle.
Amir used the Rohirim force as an example. The mini-hero horde feature will allow the Rohirim force with have a charge of power similar to that of Theoden. What’s more, even the knights can come charging with Theoden. It’s enough to make you paint a picture of Rohirim soldiers and knights gloriously charging to battle.
Amir also talked about the Mordor faction, the added Elite Orc, horse archers, level 7 bloodlust, and pretty much everything that’s new in the game. Make sure to watch the video so you won’t miss all the new features of the expansion pack. Enjoy!
Download: [LOTR: The Battle for Middle-Earth II interview]
Fans of Electronic Arts‘ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II have been are bracing themselves for the release of the expansion pack The Rise of the Witch-King. The anticipation stems from the introduction of the Angmar faction, which is considered the evil counterpart of the Dwarven faction. There’s always an added excitement when evil becomes an option in the game. But the fans are not too keen on switching factions, as game producer Amir Ramihi found out while scouring the LOTR forums. In fact, fans tend to stick to one faction.
With that important info in mind, the development team decided to give what the fans want – new units, new strategies, new abilities, and new toys to play with.
While the Angmar faction would be the highlight of the expansion, existing factions will also be getting some love in the form of new units. This is where the mini-hero horde comes into the picture. Think of it is a combination of hero and elite units. The hordes have special abilities that enhance certain factions’ strategies. They also heal when not in combat, which makes them fit for the next round of battle.
Amir used the Rohirim force as an example. The mini-hero horde feature will allow the Rohirim force with have a charge of power similar to that of Theoden. What’s more, even the knights can come charging with Theoden. It’s enough to make you paint a picture of Rohirim soldiers and knights gloriously charging to battle.
Amir also talked about the Mordor faction, the added Elite Orc, horse archers, level 7 bloodlust, and pretty much everything that’s new in the game. Make sure to watch the video so you won’t miss all the new features of the expansion pack. Enjoy!
Download: [LOTR: The Battle for Middle-Earth II interview]