LTE Game Engine v2.2 source code released
We have just received word that developer SiberianSTAR has recently release the source codes for the LTE Game Engine v2.2 for the PSP. LTE is developer’s kit built to help PSP developers create their own batch of homebrew applications and games. This latest release will enable developer to customize the engine according to their needs. More details are be available in the full article.
Download: LTE Game Engine 2.2 source codes
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
Here’s some big news for the PSP developers out there. We have just received word via bigboss-ita’s thread over at the QJ.NET forums that that SiberianSTAR has released the source codes for the LTE Game Engine version 2.2.
As you can imagine, this means that fellow PSP coders out there now have free reign in customizing this engine for creating their own homebrew games and applications. For the benefit of the first-time readers, here’s a recap of what the LTE engine (originally created by LTE Studios) can do:
- 3D Game Engine
- Mixed 2D + 3D
- Powerful and customizable 2D GUI
- Native Audio support (mp3, atrac3)
- Native Network (WiFi) support
- Character animation system
- Cel-shading effect
- Dynamic Shadows and Fast Planar Shadows
- Multi-Texturing
- Environmental Mapping
- Render to Textures
- Bone animation system
- Particle effects
- Billboards
- Dynamic Lights
- Powerful 2D with alpha, blend, etc..
- Six image formats supported (.bmp, .png, .jpg, . pcx, .tga, .psd)
- Nine mesh formats supported (.md2, .bsp, .x, .3ds, .obj, .dmf, .dae, ms3d, .b3d)
- Fonts support
- Collision detection
- Terrain generation
Remember to view the readme and change logs when you pick up the download. You may also want to visit bigboss-ita’s post over at the QJ.NET forums, in case related discussions pop up.
Download: LTE Game Engine 2.2 source codes
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum