PSP Currency Converter v2

Currency Converter

Yongobongo from our forums has released the updated version of his Currency Converter, along with some simple updates. This version is now in Eboot format and features more currencies as well as a better GUI. He cautions though that this will not work on LUAPlayer windows. This is in KXPloit format, so definitely, this is a sure go on 1.50 and 2.71SE-B. It is also compatible with 1.00 to 2.71 SE-A.

He says that he’s currently working on the next release, so your requests are certainly most welcome. Anyway, he’s requested for a screenshot of the application, and we guess it’s but fitting that we here at QJ take it ourselves. So there. You can download the file right here.

Enjoy, folks!

Download: [PSP Currency Converter v2]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

Currency Converter

Yongobongo from our forums has released the updated version of his Currency Converter, along with some simple updates. This version is now in Eboot format and features more currencies as well as a better GUI. He cautions though that this will not work on LUAPlayer windows. This is in KXPloit format, so definitely, this is a sure go on 1.50 and 2.71SE-B. It is also compatible with 1.00 to 2.71 SE-A.

He says that he’s currently working on the next release, so your requests are certainly most welcome. Anyway, he’s requested for a screenshot of the application, and we guess it’s but fitting that we here at QJ take it ourselves. So there. You can download the file right here.

Enjoy, folks!

Download: [PSP Currency Converter v2]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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