Make quick installers: Homebrew Installer Maker

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The folks at KlmSoftware Network informed us of a new app they’ve got for homebrewers to check out. If you’re a homebrew maker who wants to make his games and apps more accessible to new members of the homebrew community, then you might want to see how well this works with you.

The app is called Homebrew Installer Maker and it’s supposed to do just that: turn the assorted files of your homebrew application into an installer that anyone can use. The instructions seem simple enough for a coder to do as well:

  • Place all files in the root folder.
  • Treat that folder as the root of the memory stick.
  • Create/Modify the following files:
    • installerappname.bin —Edit with notepad and enter your application’s name
    • installerbgimage.jpg —small 320×170 image of anything you want
    • installerreadme.txt —your readme file
  • Zip the “install.exe” along with the “installer” and “root” folders and that is it!

Some things to note, however. First, this isn’t the PSP Installer app made by ADePSP, though the two are probably very similar in form and function. Second, you’ll need to have a .Net Framework that is up to v2.0.50727, or it won’t work. We found that out the hard way, so make sure you don’t make the same mistake. Lastly, we really hope people don’t start a flame war comparing the two applications here. That’d just be a lot of extra work into replacing expletives with words like “chocolate chip cookies” and “shiny rainbows.”

Download: [Homebrew Installer Maker]

KlmSoftware - Image 1

The folks at KlmSoftware Network informed us of a new app they’ve got for homebrewers to check out. If you’re a homebrew maker who wants to make his games and apps more accessible to new members of the homebrew community, then you might want to see how well this works with you.

The app is called Homebrew Installer Maker and it’s supposed to do just that: turn the assorted files of your homebrew application into an installer that anyone can use. The instructions seem simple enough for a coder to do as well:

  • Place all files in the root folder.
  • Treat that folder as the root of the memory stick.
  • Create/Modify the following files:
    • installerappname.bin —Edit with notepad and enter your application’s name
    • installerbgimage.jpg —small 320×170 image of anything you want
    • installerreadme.txt —your readme file
  • Zip the “install.exe” along with the “installer” and “root” folders and that is it!

Some things to note, however. First, this isn’t the PSP Installer app made by ADePSP, though the two are probably very similar in form and function. Second, you’ll need to have a .Net Framework that is up to v2.0.50727, or it won’t work. We found that out the hard way, so make sure you don’t make the same mistake. Lastly, we really hope people don’t start a flame war comparing the two applications here. That’d just be a lot of extra work into replacing expletives with words like “chocolate chip cookies” and “shiny rainbows.”

Download: [Homebrew Installer Maker]

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