Marvelous unveils new RPG: Yuusha 30 for PSP

Yuusha 30 - Image 1When I heard about Yuusha 30, I thought this game was going to have giant combining robots. It turns out that that’s not the case, as the scan in the full article shows, but this hybrid title certainly looks interesting enough. Details after the jump.

When I heard about Yuusha 30, I thought this game was going to have giant combining robots. It turns out that that’s not the case, as the scan below shows, but this hybrid title certainly looks interesting enough.

Yuusha 30 scan - Image 1

First things first. Yuusha 30 is the name of a new PSP game from Marvelous. This is apparently the game that the countdown on the Marvelous website is for (the clock on the countdown is clearly visible in the Weekly Famitsu scan above).

The title roughly translates to Brave 30, or Valiant Heroes 30. It’s essentially four games rolled into one. You get your pick of four characters (Hero, Princess, Knight, and Archmage) and each character their own corresponding gametype..

If you pick the Hero you get a side-scrolling dungeon crawler. The Princess gets a top-down shooter, the Knight has to avoid traps in a top-down action game, and the Archmage (or Devil King) stars in a strategy game where you summon monsters to kill the heroes. Each of the other characters will face off against the Archmage in their own modes.

The “30” in the title is also an important part of the game itself. You only get 30 seconds to clear each of the stages in the different game modes. Interesting, even if it does promise a lot of frustration. Keep checking back here for more news.

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Via PSPHyper

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