Mathieu Hector: Double Agent’s Sixaxis and PSN support

Double Agent female spy - Image 1The PlayStation 3 version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent is smokin’ hot lately because of the announcement of a new female spy. While this is good news for PS3 owners, fans of the series from other systems are kind of making a big fuzz about it. They’re arguing that Ubisoft could be favoring one platform over the others.

The publisher’s PS3 producer Mathieu Hector gave an interview recently about the matter (among other things) and reiterated that wasn’t the intention. He explained:

Having a female playable character in the game is something we wanted to have since we started working on Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow. On Double Agent, this idea was still present, but we didnÂ’t have the chance to implement it on time for the first versions. We really liked the idea and for players like me, itÂ’s always more pleasant to follow the acrobatics of a female character, supple and elegant, than those of a born-to-kill-guy.


He went on to discuss further details about the game and its SIXAXIS support. Hector shared that they implemented the control when it was fun to play or whenever they thought it added to the gameplay experience. Accordingly, the tilt function will prove handy for players in the multiplayer mode when controlling the Drone. Regarding the single player mode, the official shared that,

In the single player mode, we were free to experiment various designs for the motion sensor implementation. It is used from time to time to operate various gadgets like picking doors or hacking security systems, or for Sam’s special moves like swimming or paragliding.

Double Agent - Image 1During his last interview, Hector also revealed that the PlayStation Network will be put to use in Double Agent as something like it was done before in the PS2 and PC versions He assures players that PSN will provide all the required services to match and top the quality being offered by rival Xbox Live.

Rather than just more of the same, the NSA training centre and Kinshasa multiplayer maps are really different than the original multiplayer maps. Those maps have been produced with Ubisoft Milan, Italy, the studio which previously worked on the PS2 Multiplayer maps and we hope the PS3 players will enjoy playing them just as much as we did.

Well, we guess we’ll have to see about that last one. But with the rate Double Agent is going now, we’re pretty certain that Ubisoft indeed spent time with the PS3 version development. After everything, it looks like the game is really worth the wait.

Double Agent female spy - Image 1The PlayStation 3 version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent is smokin’ hot lately because of the announcement of a new female spy. While this is good news for PS3 owners, fans of the series from other systems are kind of making a big fuzz about it. They’re arguing that Ubisoft could be favoring one platform over the others.

The publisher’s PS3 producer Mathieu Hector gave an interview recently about the matter (among other things) and reiterated that wasn’t the intention. He explained:

Having a female playable character in the game is something we wanted to have since we started working on Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow. On Double Agent, this idea was still present, but we didnÂ’t have the chance to implement it on time for the first versions. We really liked the idea and for players like me, itÂ’s always more pleasant to follow the acrobatics of a female character, supple and elegant, than those of a born-to-kill-guy.


He went on to discuss further details about the game and its SIXAXIS support. Hector shared that they implemented the control when it was fun to play or whenever they thought it added to the gameplay experience. Accordingly, the tilt function will prove handy for players in the multiplayer mode when controlling the Drone. Regarding the single player mode, the official shared that,

In the single player mode, we were free to experiment various designs for the motion sensor implementation. It is used from time to time to operate various gadgets like picking doors or hacking security systems, or for Sam’s special moves like swimming or paragliding.

Double Agent - Image 1During his last interview, Hector also revealed that the PlayStation Network will be put to use in Double Agent as something like it was done before in the PS2 and PC versions He assures players that PSN will provide all the required services to match and top the quality being offered by rival Xbox Live.

Rather than just more of the same, the NSA training centre and Kinshasa multiplayer maps are really different than the original multiplayer maps. Those maps have been produced with Ubisoft Milan, Italy, the studio which previously worked on the PS2 Multiplayer maps and we hope the PS3 players will enjoy playing them just as much as we did.

Well, we guess we’ll have to see about that last one. But with the rate Double Agent is going now, we’re pretty certain that Ubisoft indeed spent time with the PS3 version development. After everything, it looks like the game is really worth the wait.

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