Mega Man 9 DLC: Proto Man gets some action
Mega Man 9 is just about to hit online networks (WiiWare, September 22; PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, September 25) and already, the first round of DLC is being geared up. So what can we expect from Capcom‘s first-ever Mega Man 9 DLC? The nuts and bolts of it: Proto Man becomes playable!
Mega Man 9 is just about to hit online networks (WiiWare, September 22; PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, September 25) and already, the first round of DLC is being geared up.
So what can we expect from Capcom‘s first-ever Mega Man 9 DLC? The nuts and bolts of it: Proto Man becomes playable!
The DLC to unlock Mega Man’s so-called brother will be available on October 6, simultaneously for WiiWare (200 Wii Points), PSN (US$ 1.99), and XBL (160 MS Points).
Proto Man plays a tad bit different from Mega Man, with each of them having their own pros and cons.
Take for example Proto Man’s ability to deflect projectiles: while he can withstand smaller shots, bigger blasts (which he won’t be able to deflect) will knock him back twice as far as it would push Mega Man. Another pro for, well, Proto Man is his ability to slide and charge his buster, which Mega Man (at least in Mega Man 9) can’t perform.
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