Mega Man 9 to be the first game for the WiiWare, XBLA, and PSN? *Update*
Mega Man 9 has been announced for WiiWare, but did you know that it may just come out for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as well? Find out more about this intriguing bit of information after the jump.
Update: Sorry to say this folks, but Capcom has confirmed that Mega Man 9 will be WiiWare only. Learn more after the jump.
Someday, Mega Man will be a real life human boy. Until that day comes, however, we can expect him to do our bidding as a robotic pew-pew fighter slave who loves humankind. Isn’t that awesome?
Seeing as Mega Man 9 has been announced for WiiWare, we thought our coverage of the pew-pew fighter slave would end there, but we were surprised to find out that Mega Man might be making a leap… a couple of them, in fact, onto the Xbox 360 and PS3 as well.
That’s the news that Ars Technica is reporting. Capcom has apparently announced that Mega Man 9 is scheduled for release on WiiWare, XBLA and PSN. The game is apparently listed as a PSN and XBLA release on their E3 roster, while we previously found out in Nintendo Power that the game would be hitting WiiWare.
We’re currently trying to find a copy of Capcom’s E3 roster or word of Capcom’s confirmation that the title will be heading to all three platforms. If the rumor holds true, it should be a pretty exciting day, as this looks to be the first game that’ll hit all three online gaming services. Stay tuned!
Sorry to bear some bad news, but Capcom has clarified Ars Technica’s earlier report. Capcom said that Mega Man 9 would be for WiiWare only and that the info indicated in their E3 roster was a mistake on Capcom’s part.
Via Ars Technica