Mega Man for the Wii confirmed?
A Mega Man title for the Wii? According to a source from Capcom, there will be indeed a Wii game for everyone’s favorite blue guy. With a high turnout present in the recent Rock Man 20th Anniversary event, we hope that Capcom realizes that they already have a big hit franchise in their hands. Read on for more details.
A poster in a Rock Man (more commonly known to non-Japanese as Mega Man) fan forum reported that according to a source connected to Capcom, there will be a Mega Man title in store for the Wii, and have already considered making one in the future. However, no details are available as of this moment.
Turian, the Rock Man fan forum poster who provided the juicy tidbit also mentioned that there was a surprisingly high turnout present in the Rock Man 20th Anniversary event recently held in Japan, and the Rock Man store was wiped clean of every merchandise to the point that fans had to be told that everything was sold out. Because of this, Rock Man character designer Keiji Inafune said he will consider making a new Rock Man game within five years.
We sure do hope that this report is true. We’ll be keeping tabs on this one until we get a good confirmation. Until then, do check this space often for more updates!
ERRATUM: In our unabashed glee over the news of a possible Wii Mega Man in the works, we have misquoted Turian, the source of the news. The article has been corrected accordingly. Our heartfelt apologies to Turian.