Metal Gear Online beta test dated, details revealed

Metal Gear Solid 4 Old Snake - Image 1To clear confusion, Konami released a FAQ which answers quite a lot of questions about Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Of course, our favorite would have to be the confirmation of Metal Gear Online‘s beta test date, and details on how to join. We’ll leave those good stuff for your perusal at the full article.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Image 1Those who’ve been following Kojima Productions’ Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots could use the nuggets of information recently posted on the official PlayStation Blog by Konami‘s director of public relations Michael Shelling, since many are still confused even as the Sony PlayStation 3 exclusive’s June 12 release draws near.

The most important to note is Metal Gear Onlines beta test, which begins April 21. Only a select few will be able to join the beta which will last two weeks, because the only way to get into the online battlefield is by acquiring the download code available in the Metal Gear Solid 4 pre-order package.

Pre-orders come in limited supply, so the number of players who can go online isn’t infinite. As of now, the only way to get first dibs on MGO is through that download code from the package. Konami stated that it’s is possible to provide wider beta access if promotional partners are secured, though nothing is confirmed at this time.

Via PlayStation Blog

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