Microsoft accused of stealing modder’s idea for fixing the 360

Apophis, a German Xbox modder has accused Microsoft of stealing his idea for preventing the dreaded red ring of doom. MaxConsole received emails from Apophis regarding this allegations, and has also posted a link to his website.

We peeked into Apophis’ German language website, and we found quite an in-depth explanation (though our weblator didn’t help much for us to fully understand), and what we gathered is that he and his friends checked out the guts of his Xbox 360 after hearing about numerous reports of people getting the red ring of doom symbol.

What the modder found was, in our weblator’s terms, a “stupid constructional defect”. Apophis found out that the cooling system of the GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, was totally insufficient, and provided pretty pictures to prove it. He then declared that every Xbox will get the red ring of death eventually, especially if graphics-crunching games are played on it more frequently and in long periods of time.

Apophis also noted that the solution is applicable to Xboxes released recently. First-generation units, he said, were built a little differently than the rest of the other units in such a way that they have better ventilation.

The modder, however, noticed that the Xbox 360 is recently using the method that he posted on the web, which he wants to be credited for. He even sent an email to MaxConsole, in mangled English:


i am the mean that found the fail with overheating GPU. Now i see on you page that MS put the the new cooling in the x360.

I find that not ok anybody take my things and nobody say thanks to me

MS steel my concept and nobody say tank you



Currently there are no reports of any lawsuits to be filed, which we aren’t really expecting. But, just in case Microsoft considers to credit him, will they give him an Xbox Elite? Or even due credit if his claims are true?

 Xbox guts - Image 1 Xbox guts - Image 2 Xbox guts - Image 3

Apophis, a German Xbox modder has accused Microsoft of stealing his idea for preventing the dreaded red ring of doom. MaxConsole received emails from Apophis regarding this allegations, and has also posted a link to his website.

We peeked into Apophis’ German language website, and we found quite an in-depth explanation (though our weblator didn’t help much for us to fully understand), and what we gathered is that he and his friends checked out the guts of his Xbox 360 after hearing about numerous reports of people getting the red ring of doom symbol.

What the modder found was, in our weblator’s terms, a “stupid constructional defect”. Apophis found out that the cooling system of the GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, was totally insufficient, and provided pretty pictures to prove it. He then declared that every Xbox will get the red ring of death eventually, especially if graphics-crunching games are played on it more frequently and in long periods of time.

Apophis also noted that the solution is applicable to Xboxes released recently. First-generation units, he said, were built a little differently than the rest of the other units in such a way that they have better ventilation.

The modder, however, noticed that the Xbox 360 is recently using the method that he posted on the web, which he wants to be credited for. He even sent an email to MaxConsole, in mangled English:


i am the mean that found the fail with overheating GPU. Now i see on you page that MS put the the new cooling in the x360.

I find that not ok anybody take my things and nobody say thanks to me

MS steel my concept and nobody say tank you



Currently there are no reports of any lawsuits to be filed, which we aren’t really expecting. But, just in case Microsoft considers to credit him, will they give him an Xbox Elite? Or even due credit if his claims are true?

 Xbox guts - Image 1 Xbox guts - Image 2 Xbox guts - Image 3

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