Microsoft DreamSpark: free gaming development tool access for students

XNA Game Studios - Image 1Ever dreamed of creating the best video game? Microsoft and Bill Gates are going to give you a boost towards the realization of your dream with their latest project, Microsoft DreamSpark. Microsoft DreamSpark lets students get their hands of as bunch of game design and developing tools including XNA Game Studio 2.0…for free. Read more about it in the full article.

Xbox 360 - Image 1Many college and high school students want to create their dream game, but oftentimes incredible amounts of interest just isn’t enough. So it’s all good when Microsoft founder Bill Gates revealed Microsoft DreamSpark, a program that lets students gain access to a set of free development and design tools that will let them tap into their “creative potential.”

The Microsoft DreamSpark program includes the following tools: Visual Studio 2005 Pro and Visual Studio 2008 Pro, as well as XNA Game Studio 2.0. Other tools available for student are SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition, Windows Server, and Expression Studio. A 12-month free Academic membership in the XNA Creators Club is also included in the program. Certainly not a bad package for students who want to create the next Metal Gear Solid, or even Tekken.

Here’s what Gates had to say about the Microsoft DreamSpark program:

We want to do everything we can to equip a new generation of technology leaders with the knowledge and tools they need to harness the magic of software to improve lives, solve problems and catalyze economic growth.

The program is currently available in 10 countries: Belgium, China, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and U.S. Microsoft also plans to extend DreamSpark’s reach to other countries in the near future.

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