Microsoft: Project Natal will bring in casual gamers
Casual gamers are a tricky lot, so says Microsoft spokesperson David Dennis. Since they are not as “serious” as other hardcore gamers are, their interest in gaming products tend to wane faster. Hence, it is always a challenge to get them hook, and more importantly, get them stay hooked. Their big trick out of the bag for this purpose: Project Natal.
Casual gamers are a tricky lot, so says Microsoft spokesperson David Dennis. Since they are not as “serious” as other hardcore gamers are, their interest in gaming products tend to wane faster. Hence, it is always a challenge to get them hook, and more importantly, get them stay hooked. Their big trick out of the bag for this purpose: Project Natal.
In an interview with, Dennis is quoted as saying that given Natal “and the types of experiences it’s going to enable, there’s going to be both what some might call core experiences as well as casual game experiences that are easy to jump in and play, that are going to do great for Natal.”
He also noted how casual games did grow in this generation of console race, as exemplified by the success of Wii and its games such as the Wii Fit.
“I think if you look at experiences in other platforms that are doing well, they’re not all necessarily core experienes. Wii Fit was number seven [in November]. So there are certainly a lot of upsides for experiences if they’re done right that go beyond the core but still capture the imagination of the core.
I don’t think Wii Fit does that, but there are certainly opportunities to do that. It’s about redefining who your customer segmentation is, and really looking at who the customers are that you have and how to have a frequent relationship with them, but also looking to new audiences. I think you can do both witout alienating either.”
Some of the previous efforts of Microsoft to lure casual gamers into theXbox 360 are the inclusion of Facebook, Netflix and Twitter into their online service.
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