Mirror’s Edge demo to be available a few days before launch
Doubters and naysayers may finally be getting a chance to be convinced of the healthy buzz surrounding Electronic Arts‘ Mirror‘s Edge (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3). According to the game’s GameStop listing, a demo is scheduled to come out a few days before the game’s launch.
Doubters and naysayers may finally be convinced of the healthy buzz surrounding Electronic Arts‘ Mirror‘s Edge (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3). According to the game’s GameStop listing, a demo is scheduled to come out a few days before the game’s launch.
Five days, to be exact. The Mirror’s Edge demo will reportedly be available for download on November 6, with the full game scheduled for a November 11 release. Fan or not, you should probably keep an eye out on PlayStation Network and the Xbox Live Marketplace for this particular demo.
Oh, and GameStop’s also offering a free Runner Bag with Mirror’s Edge pre-orders. That’s the bag Faith keeps her packages and whatnot in. It should work as a carrying case for your PS3 or Xbox 360. Running across rooftops is purely optional.
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Via GameStop