Modern Warfare 2’s native resolution is 600p on consoles

Modern Warfare 2 - Image 1 Here’s something that’ll interest the graphically conscious crowd. According to some legwork done by the folks at Beyond3D, Modern Warfare 2 will run at a sub-HD resolution of 600p on both the Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles just like its predecessor.

Modern Warfare 2 - Image 1

Here’s something that’ll interest the graphically conscious crowd. Just like its predecessor, Modern Warfare 2 will run at a sub-HD resolution of 600p on both the Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles. That’s according to some legwork done by the folks at Beyond3D.

Infinity Ward is once again aiming for a smooth 60 frames per second for Modern Warfare 2, so that’s probably why they chose to go with the 600p native resolution. Fine by me. From what we’ve seen so far — and judging by the original — the IW chaps do wonders at this resolution.

Moder Warfare 2 will be out November 10 on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

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Via Beyond3D

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