Moment of truth: Team ICO to finally unveil new PS3 game at E3 ’09
Hold on to your seats, folks. It looks like we’re finally going to be able to get a glimpse at Team ICO‘s ultra-secret game! The new game following the spirit of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus is now confirmed to appear in E3 in the form of a trailer and some gameplay footage.
Hold on to your seats, folks. It looks like we’re finally going to be able to get a glimpse at Team ICO‘s ultra-secret game!
Sony‘s sure going to put up a grand show during this year’s E3. Their PSP line-up is pretty huge as it is. And for the PS3, you can bet your last rat’s ass that God of War 3 and Heavy Rain will be there. But what else is there?
Somehow, Sony’s managed to keep Team ICO’s secret game under the radar for months now. But in E3, it looks like the curtains will finally be pulled up.
Oooooh, yes – this feels so cathartic, considering it’s one of the things I’m personally looking forward to this year. The new game following the spirit of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus is now confirmed to appear in E3 in the form of a trailer and some gameplay footage.
Heck, we might actually hear about the new game even sooner, during GDC (which starts two weeks from now!). Though the new game isn’t confirmed to be revealed during the event, Ico and Colossus creator Fumito Ueda is confirmed to have a keynote speech duing GDC ’09.
Related articles:
- Ico of the Colossus: new Team ICO game to be revealed in 2009?
- Team ICO revemps career page, shows off first Ico 3 screenshot?
Via CGReviews