Moms and their Wiis

We just posted a report on how Nintendo of America marketed the Wii to parents, moms in particular, and that got us thinking. What DO moms look like when they’re really into the Wii? We decided to yet again troll YouTube in search of the funniest and most amusing Wii-mom vids out there, just so that we can get an idea of how effective Nintendo’s drive to target mothers has been.

Here’s our first video. This one is of a mom’s encounter with Wii-boxing. YouTube poster jimc28 claims that through the Wii his mom is learning boxing and English at the same time. Let’s observe.

Next up: more Wii-boxing vids. This time, the mother in not the only one into it but the daughter is as well. Observe the mostly clueless kid in between mother and daughter. At the rate the mom is going, that kid (and the TV) is a Wii-accident waiting to happen.

More crazy moms after the Jump!

We just posted a report on how Nintendo of America marketed the Wii to parents, moms in particular, and that got us thinking. What DO moms look like when they’re really into the Wii? We decided to yet again troll YouTube in search of the funniest and most amusing Wii-mom vids out there, just so that we can get an idea of how effective Nintendo’s drive to target mothers has been.

Here’s our first video. This one is of a mom’s encounter with Wii-boxing. YouTube poster jimc28 claims that through the Wii his mom is learning boxing and English at the same time. Let’s observe.

Next up: more Wii-boxing vids. This time, the mother in not the only one into it but the daughter is as well. Observe the mostly clueless kid in between mother and daughter. At the rate the mom is going, that kid (and the TV) is a Wii-accident waiting to happen.

We found a whole lot of other mom-related Wii videos but they’re more of the same really – old people looking like kids again, a lot of laughter, and kids enjoying videogames with their parents. So instead of boring you with more videos of scenarios that we think you folks are smart enough to imagine, or have probably gone through yourselves, we’ll end this one with a warning.

Warning: Wii tennis gets silly when your mother is drunk.

Want proof? Observe mother A on the immediate video below. Mother A seems very much not-drunk. Compare mother A to mother B on the video below that. Fun isn’t it? Don’t forget: beer plus Wii equals craziness.

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