Monster Hunter 3 drives Wii to top spot in Media Create hardware charts

Media Create hardware sales - Image 1Japan is without a doubt the Monster Hunter capital of the world, so what happens when you release the next big Monster Hunter title there on a new console? That console sells, of course. That’s what happened with the Nintendo Wii, which saw sales quadruple following the release of Monster Hunter 3. Find out how each console fared in the latest Japanese hardware sales charts after the jump.

Hardware - Image 1

Japan is without a doubt the Monster Hunter capital of the world, so what happens when you release the next big Monster Hunter title there on a new console? That console sells, of course. That’s what happened with the Nintendo Wii, which saw sales quadruple following the release of Monster Hunter 3.

Wii sales for the week ending August 2 were at 95,357 units. The week prior to that, the Wii only moved about 24,000 units. It seems Nintendo president Satoru Iwata‘s plan to combat ailing Wii sales with big releases is paying off. I’d say Nintendo owes Capcom a gift basket or something.

Sales of the DSi, on the other hand, saw a bit of a dip, although it still has quite a lead over its closest competitor. With the Wii back on top, Sony‘s PSP handheld dropped back to third place. The PS3 took fourth place behind the DS Lite, while Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console held the last spot behind the PS2.

  • Wii: 95,357
  • DSi: 73,710
  • PSP: 33,049
  • DS Lite: 12,027
  • PS3: 8,760
  • PS2: 3,617
  • Xbox 360: 3,552

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Via Media Create

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