Monster Hunter: Freedom sells 500,000 Copies in Japan

Today, Capcom announced that more than 500,000 copies of Monster Hunter: Freedom for the PSP have been sold, making it the biggest selling PSP title in Japan. This is important because if this game is such a smash-hit in Japan it should be some what of a hit here. Of course, the Japanese have different tastes in games than the majority of Western gamers, but if it sold almost as well as Kingdom Hearts II did then it has to be halfway decent. Congratulations Capcom for your best selling PSP game in Japan! We should expect it to hit the U.S. market on May 30th.
Today, Capcom announced that more than 500,000 copies of Monster Hunter: Freedom for the PSP have been sold, making it the biggest selling PSP title in Japan. This is important because if this game is such a smash-hit in Japan it should be some what of a hit here. Of course, the Japanese have different tastes in games than the majority of Western gamers, but if it sold almost as well as Kingdom Hearts II did then it has to be halfway decent. Congratulations Capcom for your best selling PSP game in Japan! We should expect it to hit the U.S. market on May 30th.

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