More Final Fantasy Tactics A2 scans from V-Jump

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Image 1 Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Image 2

The third game in Square Enix‘ Ivalice Alliance isn’t taking any stops at all. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Sealed Grimoire for the Nintendo DS is more than just an indirect sequel to FFT: Advanced. Instead, it’s an entirely new package with new jobs and races in addition to an already wide array of existing ones. Just by looking at these scans from Japanese magazine V-Jump, we can already see FFT:A2 as a leg up.

While we can expect some major changes and improvements from the upcoming video game, FFT:A2‘s story starts off quite like its predecessor. A naughty young boy named Luso finds himself in the world of Ivalice after jotting down his name on a fantasy book. Being an adventurous little fella, he decides to explore the place. The story happens after the events of Final Fantasy XII, giving us a good idea on what transpired after the war ended.

Via NeoGAF

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Image 1 Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Image 2

The third game in Square Enix‘ Ivalice Alliance isn’t taking any stops at all. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Sealed Grimoire for the Nintendo DS is more than just an indirect sequel to FFT: Advanced. Instead, it’s an entirely new package with new jobs and races in addition to an already wide array of existing ones. Just by looking at these scans from Japanese magazine V-Jump, we can already see FFT:A2 as a leg up.

While we can expect some major changes and improvements from the upcoming video game, FFT:A2‘s story starts off quite like its predecessor. A naughty young boy named Luso finds himself in the world of Ivalice after jotting down his name on a fantasy book. Being an adventurous little fella, he decides to explore the place. The story happens after the events of Final Fantasy XII, giving us a good idea on what transpired after the war ended.

Via NeoGAF

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